“It’s no War and Peace,” Marc Anthony Viola declared, with surprising honesty, of his own book, A Spy's Resume on July 23rd, “It’s not the best book in the world.” Viola spoke to a small crowd at the independent Reiter’s bookstore downtown, on the corner of 20th and K Street. While no Tolstoy, Viola, with almost twenty years experience in the US intelligence community, suggests that the book is a valuable tool not only for veterans leaving the service, but anyone seeking a new career. With two further books in the works and deals for two more, Viola seems to be a qualified success-story. In our fast-paced modern society, Viola stressed the need to take time to do nothing. He joked that while writing his first book, he was doing “nothing", but "couldn’t believe how much he was getting done". With ambitious, overly-motivated yuppies around every corner, Viola’s advice is a reassuring breath of fresh air. We all should listen.